The EPIC Companies

Steven Fine, CEO of The Epic Companies, reminds decision makers that "Our team is comprised of successful, battle hardened industry veterans each boasting a minimum of 30 years of in depth, boots on the ground experience. We've now made it through four challenging downturns during that time. One would be hard pressed to present us with a problem that we haven't previously encountered and overcome for our own account or for others".

In the past 37 years, Epic team members have conceived and managed over 550 joint ventures, partnerships and redevelopments to acquire/develop assets and properties, formulate structures, negotiate agreements and implement strategies resulting in successful projects valued in excess of $20 billion.

When faced with the task of selecting a best of breed developer, buyer, partner, investor, advisor, consultant or expert witness, a growing number of national and regional public and private residential and commercial real estate  financial institutions, regulators, receivers, pension funds, attorneys, trustees and other individuals are choosing The Epic Companies to fulfill their entitlement processing, due diligence,financial analysis, develop-ment, management, construction, marketing, repositioning, restructuring, value enhancement, negotiation, problem resolution, asset liquidation and disposition needs for their loan and real property portfolios.

Why choose epic?


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